Photographer: Shan-Huai Chiang

About me

I am Anderson Shao-Wei Hung, a Taiwanese-born, London-based freelance journalist and multi-disciplinary creative. I am currently pursuing a degree in fashion communication: fashion journalism at Central Saint Martins. I was a runner-up of the 2022 Vogue Business Talent Competition and I have words published in Vogue Business. Previously, I was a researcher at the Taipei-based Business Today Magazine, a weekly in-depth business and finance publication. Outside journalism, I was a freelance production designer for film productions and I have worked alongside award-winning directors and cinematographers as a department head. 

My journalism practice is defined by my critical cultural literacy that explores what’s beyond the spotlight, placing a heavy emphasis on subcultures, emerging talents, and their social and political agency. Over the past two years, I have reflected on the current state of the world with the key figure of Beijing’s lost 90s underground punk scene, platformed voices of Hongkongese artists amid tightening national security measures, explored what it means to be a gay, Iranian hair stylist during Iran’s hair-ignited protests, and so much more. My journalism aims to create an inclusive space for conversation that dissolves generational, ideological, national, and demographical boundaries. My ongoing publication project Particles documents the vibrant Taiwanese independent music scene, where voices from different generations and political spectrums converse and come to one. 

On the other side of journalism lies my rigorous coverage of fashion business, specialising in the East Asian market. This includes case-study-heavy analyses breaking down the Chinese fragrance market and the Taiwanese textile supply chain, as well as their role in the global market.