Anarchy(type)/(An)archetype is dedicated to the Sex Pistols, whose subversive energy catalysed the evolution of a generation from servile youth accepting a future of socio-economic and political disarray into individualistic, new identities that energised new possibilities. The newly adopted attitude shaped what is known as punk today. Punk is a critical response to the present to reimagine an alternate future. Punk is future-facing and not retrospective. This project is hence an examination of Sex Pistol’s legacy within a contemporary and futuristic context. The title of the project combines the words anarchy and archetype. 70s punk shaped our understandings of the culture today, but punk transcends a musical genre and an aesthetic, it is an energy that existed before the word punk and still exists today in different forms.
Anarchy(type)/(An)archetype 是獻給性手槍的專題,性手槍具有顛覆性的破壞能量,把一個世代在經濟與政治渺茫中的卑屈催化成了衝撞體制的叛逆。這個新的叛逆逐漸形成了我們今天所理解的「朋克」。朋克是一個對當下世界現狀的批判性反應,也是一個對未來的想像。朋克是有遠見,而非拘泥於過去的。此創作旨在探討性手槍在現代的影響力,並探討其在未來的各種可能。「Anarchy」意指無政府狀態,是朋克文化的一大中心思想,其追求的並非毫無法治的動亂,而是在批判掌權者及各種權威對社會的系統性思想灌輸,若想達到思想上的自由必須使階級崩解。而 Archetype 意指「原型」,本人將 「Anarchy」與其合併成一字,暗示我們所認知的,70年代開始席捲全球的朋克文化只是一個原型,朋克與音樂類型、穿著風格無關,它是一個思考的及生活的方式,他在朋克一詞出現前就存在,而同樣在現代也以不一樣的形式繼續存在著。
Content | 內容
Scream Club is the underground moshpit for angsty waifs in 1997 Beijing, where a collective of Chinese punk bands regularly bombard a generation of youth! Bo Lu was the mastermind behind Scream Club, managing the bands and curating events at the venues, including creating illustrations to advertise the gigs. It’s only natural to compare Bo to Malcolm McLaren and Jamie Reid, who managed and designed for the Sex Pistols respectively. I managed to track down Bo, who has long been reclusive in Sweden, and also spoke with John Marchant, Jamie’s gallerist who apparently is a better interviewee than Jamie himself as “it’s difficult to make him talk” and “his teeth are falling out,”according to John. I talked about completely different matters with Bo and John, but the two conversations somehow went the same direction—both of them started talking about nature, spirituality, scepticism, and of course, punk! “Punks Without Borders”syncs the two conversations. The Horse Hospital in London hosted a special screening as a tribute to the late Jordan Mooney, a punk before the term “punk” even became relevant, and I had punks in the queue explore whether punk is dead with me in the second article. The final article is an examination of the paradoxical nature of the current fashion ecosystem using anarchist theories, ideologies that punks adhere to.
北京90年代末的一個胡同裡,曾有個匯聚地下朋克的小酒吧嚎叫俱樂部,而嚎叫俱樂部的主理人呂玻是這麼形容它的:「人們的鞋子在低矮的天花板上飛舞,啤酒和汗水四濺,每個人的心跳速度都基本跟鼓點一樣,僅僅在隨身聽里想像【性手槍】和【CLASH】的人們領教了什麼是朋克現場!那8小節後就分不清正反拍的爆裂鼓點、陳舊但豐滿有力的吉他音色都是那麼富於新意和煽動力。」呂玻主理北京的樂隊,還為無聊俱樂部繪製活動海報,讓我想起性手槍的主理人以及設計師 Malcolm McLaren (朋克教母 Vivienne Westwood 前任情人及合夥人) 和 Jamie Reid (將安全別針穿過英女王肖像的藝術家)。我很幸運地有機會採訪到了移居瑞典的呂玻先生,也採訪了代理 Jamie Reid 作品的藝廊主理人 John Marchant (Marchant 和 Jamie 本人合作多年,非常了解他的創作、個性以及思想,也表示 Jamie 現在已經很少對外露面,也鮮少提及朋克)。即使兩項採訪幾乎沒有相同的提問,但兩人卻開始討論幾乎一模一樣的話題—大自然的奧妙、信仰的精神以及懷疑主義—種種討論又都帶回到了朋克,第一篇文章便將和兩個人的討論合併比較,想像 Jamie 和呂玻先生兩個朋克的對話。致力於推廣倫敦次文化的展演場所 The Horse Hospital 在 2022年底為已故的 Jordan Mooney 辦了一場朋克為主題的特映會,Jordan Mooney 曾在 Vivienne Westwood 和 Malcolm McLaren 的服飾店工作,也是倫敦朋克運動的核心人物,我在特映會中和隊伍中的朋克們討論了「朋克是否已死」這個問題,並收錄於第二篇文章。第三篇文章則用朋克推廣的「無政府主義」理論來解析現代時尚的生態系統以及其中的矛盾。
Design | 設計
The first poster accompanies the conversations with Chinese and British punk masterminds, and is sampled from a Cultural Revolution era propaganda poster titled “Chairman Mao Leads Us Forward,”reimagining a poster where Mao’s portrait is replaced by that of Sid Vicious, and the Chinese comrades replaced by Johnny Rotten, Steve Jones, Paul Cook and their fellow punks. The second poster is a handwritten design of a stanza sampled from Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl,”a poem that refers to the underrepresented outcasts of a conformist society as “the best minds of the generation”, and is cited by Bo Lu as his inspiration behind the infamous Scream Club. The design takes inspiration from Malcolm McLaren’s handwritten advertisements for Sex Pistols gigs.
第一幅海報結合中國與英國元素,將文化大革命時期的政治文宣《毛主席指引我們前進》,利用覆蓋的插畫重新想像成了《性手槍指引我們前進》,毛主席的頭像被畫成了性手槍貝斯手 Sid Vicious,底下革命的同志們則變成了性手槍的其他成員以及一群朋克追隨者。第二幅海報的文字引用 Allen Ginsberg 的長詩《嚎叫》,其中大篇幅的歌頌不被50年代當代唯物主義社會接納的流浪者,稱他們才是當代盲目從眾的社會中最偉大的思想家,此詩也是呂玻先生在創立嚎叫俱樂部時的靈感來源。設計方面海報參考 Malcolm McLaren 為性手槍創作的手寫海報。