白胡蝶蘭 White Moth Orchid

White Moth Orchid is a short experimental film that questions the possibility of historical empathy through acting. The film reenacts a historical authoritarian period of Taiwan defined by paranoia and injustice and is an exploration of the relationship of people in history and people in the present who study them.

白胡蝶蘭是一個實驗性短片,旨於探討歷史性同理 (指以後人之身份情感同理受迫害之歷史人物) 之可行性。學習了演員理論後,我利用空間設計和媒體設計重新演繹了台灣歷史上的迫害,探索歷史與後人之間的關係。

Disclaimer: The experimental film is inspired by historical events but does not necessarily provide an objective representation of history. Please refer to reliable sources for historical studies. This video is not monetized and is for research purpose only.

聲明: 本片受真實歷史事件啟發,但為抱持藝術創作空間,不保證能以最公正的角度呈現歷史。若有需求請查詢具權威之史實研究。此影片非以營利為目的,僅作為本人創作及研究用途。未成年請勿吸菸,吸菸有害身體健康。


A Film by/ Anderson Shao-Wei Hung Starring/ Anderson Shao-Wei Hung Written by/ Anderson Shao-Wei Hung Produced by/ Anderson Shao-Wei Hung Director of Photography/ Shan-Huai Chiang Gaffer/ Shan-Huai Chiang Production Designer/ Anderson Shao-Wei Hung Wardrobe/ Anderson Shao-Wei Hung Prop Master/ Anderson Shao-Wei Hung Edited by/ Anderson Shao-Wei Hung Colorist/ Anderson Shao-Wei Hung Sound Designer/ Anderson Shao-Wei Hung Sound Editor/ Anderson Shao-Wei Hung

Television footages courtesy of British Pathe

Music (in order of appearance):

Taiwanese Retrocession Memorial Anthem:

Composed by/ Sizhi Chen Lyrics/ Bo Chen Performed by/ National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, Chunan Elementary School Children's Choir, Jianguo Elementary School Children's Choir, Dunhua Choir Presented by/ National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Produced by/ Ministry of Education, Taiwan

Su-bō͘ ê Lâng (The Person I Long For):

Composed by/ Âng It-hong Lyrics/ Ia̍p Chùn-lîn Performed by/ Âng It-hong

Final Major Project for Fashion Communication Pathway, Foundation Diploma in Art and Design, Central Saint Martins.

導演:洪紹崴/ 主演:洪紹崴/ 編劇:洪紹崴/ 製作人:洪紹崴/ 攝影指導:姜善懷/ 燈光:姜善懷/ 美術指導:洪紹崴/ 服裝:洪紹崴/ 道具:洪紹崴/ 剪輯:洪紹崴/ 調色:洪紹崴/ 聲音剪輯:洪紹崴

電視畫面取樣自 British Pathe(英國百代)

音樂 (以出場順序):


:陳泗治 :陳波 演唱:苗栗縣竹南國小兒童合唱團/ 苗栗縣建國國小兒童合唱團/ 敦化美聲合唱團 伴奏:台灣省立交響樂團(今國立臺灣交響樂團) 發行:台灣省立交響樂團(今國立臺灣交響樂團)

思慕的人 (Su-bō͘ ê Lâng)

:洪一峰 :葉俊麟 演唱:洪一峰

中央聖馬丁藝術與設計預科 時尚傳媒科 畢業製作。


男裙 Free the Legs

